Michelle's WishList

Updated for Christmas 2007!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Friends on DVD

We need two more seasons to complete our collection...I just don't remember which ones they are. If you're interested, call my mom and ask her (620)271-4941.

They're usually around $22 on Amazon

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Sex and the City DVDs

All on Amazon
Sex and the City-Third Season from $23-$29
Sex and the City-Fourth Seasonfrom $23-$29
Sex and the City-Fifth Seasonfrom $23-$29
Sex and the City-Season Six, Part 1from $23-$29
Sex and the City-Season Six, Part 2from $23-$29
and if you want to get cRaZy...
Sex and the City - The Complete Series (Collector's Giftset) around $190

If you're wondering, I already have first and second season.


In an attempt to make the Christmas shopping season easier, I've created a blog to give links to things you can get me (I don't expect presents, I'm just saying if you Want to...), and usually order straight off the interent. I know how annoying X-mas shopping can get, especially if you don't know what someone wants. Ps. I like suprises too, so don't be afraid to go out on a limb and get something not on this site. There'll be alot of things I won't think of, but still want. I'll shutup, I'm just rambling now.